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Assignment 15: Interview

-What was the hardest part of developing your business when you first started four years ago?

''Unexpected financial obstacles that would come up. For example, different down payments and equipment that was very expensive.''

(I agree with how when developing your own business, there are going to be some unexpected bumps. Dealing with those bumps or unexpected costs is very important because it can be scary financially putting out more money than your initial idea when creating a brand.)

-How did mentors and people around you influence your understanding of the industry?

''I’m able to take pieces and advice from all the mentors into something of his own, using simplicity to promote new brand that is not as common yet still effective.''

(In a way, mentors can be books. Someone you are able to look to when in need of guidance and to understand something that you may not understand in your industry that have already experienced it. They have already been through what you are going through so I believe that there influence is essential.)

-In what way do you feel that you personally could grow in your company?

''Order. Keeping track of so many papers and payments is very difficult for me. Also, the lack of desire to conform to the general gym standard. Trying to stand out in such a developed industry is difficult because people don't always agree with what you promote.''

(Keeping order in a business is the foundation because you have to be structured in how you organize and function. Being able to have an organized structure allows you to grow and flourish)

-When advertising your services, what is the best way to target people?

Facebook targets people specifically through their advertising features. Also, Instagram is used as my business card. I give them my Instagram info so they are able to see who I am and what I am all about.''

(I believe that when targeting potential customers, you need to be willing to put out money in order to gain in return. Being specific on who you are focusing on is very important. I think the belief on Instagram is very important and interesting also.

-What complications arise when dealing with people face to face in your industry?

''I specialize in a business of therapy. I handle with fitness, as well as personalities and types of people coming in and out throughout the day, talking about what problems they have going on in their everyday life. It is a responsibility that people trust me with that comes with them when they walk through those front doors.''

(Dealing with people can be complicated and it is interesting how even psychology plays a role in the industry. Therapy physically and emotionally are intertwined in the fitness department.)

-How do you feel technology has played an influence on your business?

''Technology is a new branch of business of my business. It draws interest towards what I promote in my services, yet it can sometimes cloud the true essence of the business. Sometimes we get so caught up in the number of likes or followers that we lose focus of what is behind the post. Preventing that loss of focus is very important since social media is so prevalent in business nowadays. ''

(Technology is now essential in the creation of a business. So much advertisement and standing out to set yourself apart from everyone is crucial and very difficult.)

-Is advertising what you do more important that who you are as a trainer?

''When someone pays for trainings, they pay for me with it. Understanding that there needs to be a connection in the trainer and one being trained is a bond that is essential. The two go hand in hand. I don't view them as separate. ''

(Knowing that the two are two in the same is interesting and the idealoggy of paying for a seesion isn't just a workout but a coach as well.)

-Are you, or when do you feel your business will be ''established''?

''To be honest, it feels like just started. Four years isn't that long, and I feel that growth is essential whenever has a business. Numbers don’t matter in that, and they shouldn't determine one's confidence in their company.''

(Numbers not mattering is so true because in the end, they really don't and what you promote as a brand means so much more at the end of the day)

-What motivated you to start your company?

''My ambitious attitude and knowing that I didn't want to ever work for anyone in my life. Working a normal job never really felt natural and it wasn't my preference. Also, me always evolving and wanting to work for my yourself by tapping into something higher.''

(Working for yourself is something that I wish to do also and the entrepreneurship mentality is very unique. The motivation to create is ver important.)

-How did you know how you wanted to look as a brand and diversify yourself?

''I wanted to represent how minimalism in a gym is still effective on how you approach it.“Kissing babies” or groundwork and going to games is how I wanted to help the community when starting, and that is how I wanted to be viewed as a brand. Being able to give back to the community through quality in good acts is very important to me.''

(I agree with approaching the business in a unique fashion because that is how you stand out as a business. Promoting community assistance is so special in a company because you are working for something higher than yourself.)

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